
Video clips and movies are now accessable all day long. Since the internet technolgy and bandwidth is no more stopping us to watch video on the go, especially because smart devices are our daily companions.

There is no better way to explain complex things or any other story by a good video!

We can support you in different aspects

  • Storyboard
  • Location scouting
  • Video shooting
  • Sound recording
  • Postproduction
  • Music reseach
  • 3D animation
  • VFX effects
  • Motion graphics
  • Captions
  • Voiceover artists
  • Translations

We produce outdoor and indoor. We have two studios in the east of Munich. One of it is dedicated for tutorials, with a sound treated setup for voice recording.

We have also a greenscreen studio. The size of the grenscreen itself is about 36qm. Big enough for a small walk while recording.

This is an example with all our services included. Concept, logo animation, video shooting, music selection, 3D animation, postproduction.