We have just renewed our own intro animation. A good descision regarding the brand recognition value. blickfang-digital

We have just renewed our own intro animation. A good descision regarding the brand recognition value. blickfang-digital
CGI Production
This is a Showreel about our creative services
Triggered by the Corona pandemic, it was no longer possible to receive guests in the showroom. Thus, the possibility to show the products in action and to answer questions directly was missing. The solution to this problem was this virtual tour. A combination of 360° images and 360° enable an immersive experience. Receive guests in your virtual showroom. The virtual…
We ´ ve produced a online configurator for our client Probat. This configurator is a toll for the end clients to design their own shop roaster according to their colour decision. It is a layer configurator with pre produced images to get the best possible image quality for a reasonable price. As long there are not too many options and…