HAIMER Application Center 360°

Triggered by the Corona pandemic, it was no longer possible to receive guests in the showroom. Thus, the possibility to show the products in action and to answer questions directly was missing. The solution to this problem was this virtual tour. A combination of 360° images and 360° enable an immersive experience.

Receive guests in your virtual showroom.

The virtual tour was also enriched with a lot of additional information. The product catalogs and many informative films were linked at the appropriate points within the tour. Thus, a story can be told in a guided tour.

Many functions are possible in a virtual tour

Make your showroom accessible to your customers, regardless of travel costs or scheduling issues. Almost anything in terms of information can be provided. A guided tour, where you take a tour with your customer in an integrated online conference, is also a very popular feature.

  • 360° panorma images
  • 360° panorma videos
  • Hotspots as jump marks
  • Info points with pop-up
  • Integrated videos
  • Integrated PDF ‘ s
  • Designed info pages
  • Guided tours with audio + webcam

We produce high quality 360° panoramas and videos. The possibilities are versatile. The virtual “walk-through” with VR glasses is also a very interesting application.